Savory ricotta and feta cheese combined with sweet, fresh cherries and a dash of coriander - delish! This goes exceptionally well with a whole wheat flatbread...
This dip was devoured at my recent party. The guests loved the extra kick that the feta and red peppers gave to classic artichoke dip. Serve with crackers,...
The 'sinful' version of this recipe was served at my Bridal Shower, and now the recipe is the favorite appetizer of everyone I know! It's delicious, easy,...
Everyone in my family loves cheese steaks. I decided to turn that into a dip for football season. As soon as I served it I knew it was a hit. It's best...
I love chips and dip; but not all of the fat and calories. I whipped this dip up one day, and had to share it. Prep time may be reduced by mincing the...
A wonderful appetizer everyone loves. Easy, delicious. Serve on pretty lettuce surrounded with crackers. I love blue cheese! I threw this together once...
A rich and creamy cheese spread, with a powerful horseradish and cheddar kick. A perfect appetizer for a big dinner or snack for a party. Serve cold with...
The 'sinful' version of this recipe was served at my Bridal Shower, and now the recipe is the favorite appetizer of everyone I know! It's delicious, easy,...
This creamy, decadent dip is best served with slices of Italian bread as an appetizer, but is very filling and could be served as part of a main course!...
This creamy, decadent dip is best served with slices of Italian bread as an appetizer, but is very filling and could be served as part of a main course!...
This creamy, decadent dip is best served with slices of Italian bread as an appetizer, but is very filling and could be served as part of a main course!...
My family makes this recipe every holiday, it's a favorite that's sure to please. You can serve in with an Italian roll cut into mini pieces served around...
Served in a clear glass dish, this is a beautiful dip made with a cheese mixture alternating in layers with prepared pesto, and topped with walnuts. It's...
My version of an Obatzda cheese that is served with soft pretzels and washed down with good beer. I serve this at my annual Oktoberfest Party. Not a traditional...
This recipe was given to me by my sister-in-law and always goes fast! Cream cheese at the base of the dip makes it extra thick and scoopable. Seasoned...
This was my secret recipe and now I am sharing with the universe. Enjoy! I always recommend low-sodium salt and cracked black pepper or peppercorns. Green...
This is one of the most amazing and easy cheese appetizers ever. It's got that texture that people love about goat cheese. Basil and tomato have a proven...
This is a great, easy recipe people love. Our family has made it for gatherings for as long as I can remember. Refried beans are layered with guacamole,...
This is a secret recipe for a favorite dip served at a New Mexican restaurant in East Lansing, Michigan. It's perfect for a Cinco de Mayo party. Serve...
This easy-to-make hot dip would make a handsome addition to your snack table for the Big Game. Like all great party foods, it's wonderful hot, warm, room...
This cheese salad recipe was the favorite of the Russian dishes served at our wedding. It's simple, tangy, and can be used as more than a side dish. Serve...
This cheese salad recipe was the favorite of the Russian dishes served at our wedding. It's simple, tangy, and can be used as more than a side dish. Serve...
This dip was devoured at my recent party. The guests loved the extra kick that the feta and red peppers gave to classic artichoke dip. Serve with crackers,...